Videos of the other visits

Sunday, April 18, 2010 0 comments
Well, I've been working on blocking out my name and details from the other videos, so that I could also upload them to youtube and share them with you here.

They didn't give me video from the first visit ultrasound: the one where only the gestational sac could be seen. I guess I'm not really surprised. Without being able to see a fetal pole, you really can't say that you've seen the "baby."

If you'll recall, I went back in 10 days to see if a fetal pole had developed. This was to make sure that I didn't have an "empty sac," and that I was actually still pregnant. I was actually quite worried at this appointment because I should have been 6 plus weeks pregnant at the last visit, and a fetal pole should have been visible. Luckily, though, in this visit we were able to see the embryo.
I explained what everything seen on the ultrasound was in my entry on January 19th, which you might want to review before watching the video. I'll admit that there really isn't much to see in this video, but I'll post it just in case. You can see when the doctor changes the date of my last menstrual period in my file from Nov. 29th to Dec. 8th, to reflect the actual size of the embryo. You can also see the heartbeat, which I saw and heard here in that visit for the very first time.
So, here's the video from the January 19th appointment, when it was determined that I was 6 weeks pregnant, and not 7 weeks plus 2 days, as was thought based on my last period.

The other video on the dvd was from my March 9th visit (at 13 weeks), which was my next visit at the private doctor's office. I was supposed to go visit him every 5 weeks, but I kept moving back this appointment because I had to have several ultrasounds at the hospital, and I wanted to space them out. This video isn't as clear as the other video I showed you last time either, but it is a bit more interesting than the last video. To get precise measurements of what he wanted to check, he used the vaginal probe again instead of doing an abdominal ultrasound scan. This affected the angle of the video, and also made it so that he didn't move the probe or the baby around at all. He told me that at my next visit we would do an abdominal scan, and that he would move the baby around, if needed, to look for the gender. That's part of the reason that the video I posted last time was much more interesting.
Anyways, here's the video from the March 9th visit:

From now on, the ultrasounds should be much more interesting. So, I'm looking forward to getting my next dvd from my private doctor. :)
For now, though, my next ultrasound is at the hospital (April 28th), so I'll have to conform with being happy with a printout of one or two stills from the ultrasound, if I'm lucky enough to end up with one of the nicer doctors that does bother with that sort of thing. For now it's been about 50%/50% there. :(


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