I ended up waiting for over half an hour, and finally was called in. As I headed towards the room, I saw that they were shuttling off the last girl to the emergency room, so I'm guessing it wasn't that they had overbooked, but that they had had an emergency visit. (?)
When I did go in, they made a point to confirm that I was actually the Tracy that I was...
A bit strange, but I said yes.
It turns out that the girl who was waiting out in the waiting room to go in was also named Tracey (but with an e). She even looked Spanish.
Hmmm That's a first for me here!!!
Anyways, at this appointment, I had a male doctor for the first time. So, once again, a new visit, a new doctor. I haven't had a repeat even once.
This appointment was supposed to be the longest of the hospital ultrasounds. It is the visit where they basically look for everything there is to look for. The doctor did take his time with me, but I got the feeling it was mostly because he was making sure to show the newbie, in the room with us, how to do a thorough 20 week ultrasound. He didn't talk to me very often, and spent the majority of the time talking to her and telling her how to do the procedure, and what to look for.
They did complain a bit about the baby not cooperating for them. I said that it must be that he takes after his father. :)
Of course, being a male doctor, he had to side with the father, and made a comment about how the father always gets blamed for the bad things, or something like that.
To try to get the baby to move as needed, he kept pushing and wiggling my tummy.

Later on, though, they did manage to make him laugh. He had been smiling right before the first picture that I posted. That's definitely the best one they got.
They asked me if I had put a cream or lotion on my belly, because the ultrasound wasn't transmitting very clearly, but I said that I hadn't. I had taken a shower that morning, and although normally lately I have been putting cream on my belly, today I didn't because of the ultrasound. So, I don't know what the problem is. Maybe it is that I am getting a bit too fat, and I should have listened to the midwife. :)
When I finished the appointment, I asked about the amniocentesis results, and they pointed me to go to where I had had the test done. Of course, that's the desk that nobody is ever at. So, I had to wait for awhile, until the appointment there was finished, and then was able to pick up the results. Basically, all it said was what I already knew. The results were normal, and the baby was a boy.

All I know is that I only see two copies of each gene, instead of three, which is what we needed to see.
When I got back to work, I showed the pictures of the ultrasounds, of course.
I thought it was funny that one of the professors commented on how the baby had my nose. Already!!
She was the first to immediately say that the baby was a boy, from its profile in the 10 week ultrasound, so maybe she's right again.
We'll just have to wait to see!!
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