It's a boy!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 0 comments
Well, today I went back to the hospital for my one-week-after-the-ultrasound check up. They were running pretty far behind, and I had to wait over an hour before they called me in.
Once I was called, I entered with the green folder that they had given me last time, and was just about to tell them that they had given me someone else's paperwork, when the assistant told me "so, you're the thief"!!!!!
What?!?!?!?!?!? (It isn't enough that they give me the wrong paperwork, but then they call me a theif????)
It turns out that they weren't supposed to give me any papers at all, and that they were missing this folder. I told the girl that she had given it to my husband last week, but she denied it.
Mauri, of course, couldn't confirm it... because he was at work, but when I called him afterwards, he said (translated, and a bit more nicely) Why on earth would I have taken it if she hadn't given it to me? Anyways, what do you expect from someone who couldn't even write your name right after two tries!?!?!??!?! :) hahahahaha
He had a point.
I, of course, was too dazed after the whole procedure to have ever seen what had happened, but I did see him leaving the offcie with that folder on top of my other folder from home, so I would bet that she gave the folder to Mauri without realizing what she was doing.
As for the doctor, this was my fifth visit to the hospital, and this was the fifth different doctor that I've seen. (At least I didn't get last week's "weird" doctor.) :)
She told me to get up on the table, and get ready for the ultrasound.
She then asked if I knew, or wanted to know, the gender of the baby. I had been accompanied by my mother-in-law, since her and my father-in-law offered to bring me to the appointment, since the hospital is impossible for finding parking...
Anyways, before I could answer the doctor, Pepita answered "a boy!!"
The screen was at my side, and at an angle where it was difficult for me to see anything very well, but, I guess, it was quite obvious, to anyone looking at the screen straight on, that my baby is a boy. I guess his legs were wide open (why is it that boys must adopt this annoying way of sitting even this early in life?!?!), so it wasn't very difficult to see. The doctor showed me arms and legs, etc., but couldn't show me the face because, once again, the baby's back was to me. (Somehow, I feel like this baby already doesn't want to see me!!)
Hopefully next week I'll be able to see it, and in 3d (ahem- 4d) when I go to the private doctor's appointment.
He'll probably also rub in the fact that I would have known the results of my amniocentesis in 24 hours if he had done it...
Today, though, they told me that it will take 4 weeks, now, for the results of the amnio done at the hospital!!! I had originally been told 2-3 weeks, then, last week, was told 21 days... and now, was told 4 weeks!!!!!
hmmm, last week I was told 3 weeks, a week goes by, and they tell me three more weeks... What will they tell me next week? Three more weeks?!?!?!
Well, at least they assured me that there is no way that they switched my amnio tubes with anyone else... that they must label them all before they let anyone new into the room- for security reasons. So, I guess that should put me a little bit more at ease about that.
Apart from that, all is well. My belly is getting big enough that people are starting to tell me that I'm getting fat already! (nice) or that you can really start to tell!! (that I'm pregnant, I guess) :)
I'm also starting to feel a bit more clumsy and off balance, so, I guess I really am glad that I don't have any more mountain hikes planned for any time soon. :)
I'll finish off with today's 17-week e-mail. In 2 days, I hit the 4 month point!!
How your baby's growing:
Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her(ahem, his!) lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.
How your life's changing:
Starting to feel a bit off balance? (yes!!!)As your belly grows, your center of gravity changes, so you may begin to occasionally feel a little unsteady on your feet. Try to avoid situations with a high risk of falling. Wear low-heeled shoes to reduce your risk of taking a tumble; trauma to your abdomen could be dangerous for you and your baby.


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