I've decided to take advantage of the fact that Blogger now allows for some static pages on their blogs, making them a bit more like a regular website. I figured my family would be most interested in having easy access to all of the photos and videos from the blog; so, I've decided to dedicate this first page to just that. Here is a slideshow of the pictures that were uploaded to this blog. I have used most of them in my posts, but some may be new to you. These pictures start from the very beginning of the blog, so they include pictures of the graphs and ultrasounds from my pregnancy as well as pictures of Eric now.
If you prefer, here is a link to the album of those pictures in Picasa: https://picasaweb.google.com/tariza/TracySBabyBlog?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCL-kiZel8qTJyAE&feat=directlink
Finally, here is the playlist of Eric videos:
And the link to the playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL995A3217603D5E5F