As hinted to in another post, I just started working as a contributing writer at
So far it has been a great experience, and it gets me baking up some new and fun things. Just take these crepes, for example.
I know what you are thinking. Didn't you just claim that you think you are gluten intolerant?!?!
Well, yes.Of course, the option to make crepes came at a time when I had a family visit, and right after I had come back from the family wedding where I had already introduced a bit of gluten back into my diet once more just to see what would happen.
I have loved making crepes in the past, and figured that as long as I still had gluten in my system, I may as well try them one last time. Plus, they would make a great dessert for my guests. As long as I was making crepes, I might as well make them great and make some crepes with chocolate mascarpone filling.
So, what happened after my second attempt at adding gluten back into my diet?
Not so surprisingly, my eczema came back at full force. So, no more gluten for me for awhile!I guess I may just have to come up with a gluten free version for my blog.
Until then, for those who can handle gluten, you can check out my recipe at DIYready!
Even if you can't handle gluten, you may want to head on over anyway, just for the mascarpone filling!!Enjoy.
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