I was hoping that he would give me the instructions so that I could stop taking the progesterone, little by little, as soon as possible. Unfortunately, though, while he did answer me right away, he told me that he preferred to tell me in person, and that I could keep taking the capsules without any problems until my next appointment, march 9th, when I will be 13 weeks pregnant. I guess it isn't too big of a deal, considering that I wasn't going to stop taking the pills until week 12 anyways, but we'll just say that I will be very happy when I don't have to take them anymore. No need here to discuss why. I'll just leave it at that. Either way, less than two weeks left of that!!
I like the way my ultrasounds are spaced a little bit better now. I had the hospital ultrasound at 10 weeks 6 days, will have the second hospital ultrasound at 12 weeks 2 days, and will have the private doctor's ultrasound at 13 weeks. Ideally, I would have liked to space them out a little bit more, but I'm just happy not having them all on the same day anymore. It will make for more interesting pictures for the blog, too. :) If you "google" ultrasounds for 11 weeks, 12 weeks, and 13 weeks, you can really see a difference between them. So, it will be interesting. I'm also excited to see what the baby looks like in the 4D ultrasound when I go to the private doctor next time.
Other than that, I don't really have anything else too exciting to tell.
For those who are interested, I can share a few interesting snippets (what is that anyways?!?!) of information that I've found.
First of all, I found an interesting little article about language and how "Bilingualism might begin in the womb." Hopefully trilingualism does too, and the baby can get ready for its fate of having to learn English, Spanish and (dumb) Valenciano. :) (Mauri didn't see that, right?!?!?)
I guess, though, that it was really based on what the mother spoke, so maybe he or she will have an affinity for English and Spanish vs. Valenciano. One can only hope.
The other snippet I found was about as scientific as my methods for determining the gender, but I found it quite interesting anyways. In one of the emails I've been receiving, I got a link to check on the horoscope of the baby, and its compatibility with its parents based on theirs. I know, I'm getting criticized about this as I write, but it is interesting to note, that although horoscope predictions in magazines are always stupid and quite wrong, my horoscope description (what a "cancer is like") is uncanningly accurate. Growing up, a friend and I used to read about our signs together and laugh about how accurate they were. Lest you think that we read the good about each sign, and would have thought any of them accurately described us, we found it interesting that my description could never have described her, and hers could have never described me.
Back to the point.
Mauri's horoscope description is also uncanningly accurate. While I'm sensitive, emotional, intuitive, creative and caring (and always with a dear pet to take care of and protect) like every cancer should be, Mauri is the practical, modest, intelligent and analytical, somewhat critical perfectionist that a virgo should be.
Anyways, the baby will likely be born a virgo, like dad... so if mom and dad get along, then I guess mom and baby should too... :)
I'll paste the results for those who can read Spanish, but will finish with a link to an English version for those who can't understand it, but whose interest is piqued:
Virgo (24 agosto - 22 septiembre) |
Un pequeño Virgo entra de puntillas en vuestra vida, casi excusándose por las molestias que ha producido su llegada. No hace demasiadas preguntas, le basta con estar limpio y cuidado, demostrando desde el principio ser esencialmente práctico. Son niños más bien tranquilos, reservados, no les gustan los juegos violentos o las compañías demasiado ruidosas: asumen fácilmente un papel gregario, dejándose llevar por sus compañeros más emprendedores. Puntillosos en todo lo que hacen, ponen mucho empeño en conseguir sus objetivos y en hacer bien las cosas: si se le reprende o no se aprecia adecuadamente su labor, se enoja al máximo. Debe enseñársele desde pequeño a fantasear un poco y a trazarse metas ambiciosas, para hacerle adquirir conciencia de que, si él quiere, no hay ninguna razón para que se quede en segundo plano. |
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Es una madre dulce, protectora, que confecciona tartas y pasteles, por lo menos ésto es lo que le parece al pequeño Virgo, que la adora y que no desearía separarse nunca de ella. Y ella no lo animará a hacerlo, feliz de tenerlo a su lado el mayor tiempo posible. | | Padre Virgo e hijo Virgo están perfectamente de acuerdo y difícilmente entran en conflictos ni en competición. El pequeño absorbe con facilidad los valores y los esquemas paternos. Juntos se dedicarán a los juegos de paciencia y a los rompecabezas. |
The English site is also fun, but you have to play around with it a bit more to see the various combinations.
Well, I guess it will be awhile before we can really see if they are right!!
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