Sheena hasn't been running to our car to greet us as usual, but instead stays on the ground looking depressed. |
Another day, we will leave earlier in the morning so that it isn't quite so hot out. Today, though, I had been ready to go when I got a call that the delivery guy was coming with the dog food that we had ordered. It seemed like a bit of a slap in the face to get so many bags of dog food today, knowing that we would now be needing much less of it. So, I waited until he brought us our special formula dog food for older, arthritic dogs, and then Sheena and I were off.
Well, enough about that. I'm going to change the subject now, and get back to the post that was prepared about breastfeeding. It is a subject that I've been tempted to write about many times, but have finally been annoyed to the point of not being able to help myself anymore. It is a subject the unnecessarily stirs up a lot of controversy, and is something that I never had really even given any thought until having my little Eric, of course. I mean, really, if I saw somebody breastfeeding, I thought "OK, whatever."
It turns out, though, that not everybody is like me. (Too bad!!) For some, seeing somebody breastfeed or even a picture of somebody breastfeeding, is enough to offend them, anger them or make them aggressive enough to bully others on online forums and, likely, even in person.
I have a hard time understanding these people. I guess part of the not-just-politically-libertarian me likes to let everybody live as they will as long as they don't interfere with how I live. That said, I can't say that I'm not at least slightly judgmental myself towards those who didn't even attempt to breastfeed. (That judgement is reserved for mothers in this day and age, now that the benefits to both mother and baby have been well established.) I might be slightly internally judging such a person, but I wouldn't try to make her feel bad about her decision. Lately, however, it seems like breastfeeding mothers are those who are being targeted for their "bad decisions". Whether it be because they are breastfeeding in a public place (heaven forbid!!), or because they are breastfeeding a toddler (way too old!!!), or because they have displayed a modest picture of themselves breastfeeding (That is something that is meant to be private, Angelina Jolie!!); it seems that breastfeeding mothers are always offending and upsetting others.
Then, I was made aware of a recent controversial cover of Time magazine in which a mother was breastfeeding her toddler. Since I am still breastfeeding a boy who is approaching the two year point, and who shows no interest in stopping any time soon, I was dumb curious enough to check it out, and read the comments section of various places that it was posted online.
I couldn't believe how rude people were. OK, I must admit that I'm not a fan of the cover because I think it is unnatural and meant to be provocative, but most of the negative comments were not aimed at the cover nor Time Magazine, but rather were aimed at anybody breastfeeding toddlers. In some cases they were directed towards anybody breastfeeding past 6 months as some people didn't think that babies that could eat other foods should be breastfed anymore.
So, I kept reading the numerous comments, like that once a baby could ask for it, that it meant that he was too old to be breastfeeding anymore. Of course, Eric demands "tee tee" at times, and has for awhile, so I guess I should have stopped a long time ago. Then there were others that were worried that a toddler might be old enough to be able to remember breastfeeding, and that that memory would most likely cause him (especially for boys) unnecessary trauma, ruining his sexual future. (I'm sorry, but I don't understand why people feel the need to automatically relate breastfeeding to sex?!?!)
I then found, finally, a comment that disagreed with the rest, that stated that physicians now recommend that breastfeeding should continue for as long as both mother and baby are comfortable with it. (True, and the WHO states that "Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.")
Of course, though, that was followed by one of my favorite the most annoyingly ignorant comments:
"That is just wrong. Sorry but you breast feed BABIES not toddlers and certainly not 6 or 7 year olds." (Um, the boy on the cover was 4.) "Take a look at dogs, cats, cows and other mammals, when their babies are old enough to eat food, they no longer nurse them! DUHHH!!!!!"
I just wanted to reach through my computer screen and shake some sense into the (me being nice here) idiotic moron that responded that. Maybe her ridiculous reaction was her parents' fault for naming her Ginger (sorry in advance if you've also named your daughter that) or, more likely, for not having breastfed her long enough.
Giving Ginger the benefit of the doubt, though, let's give her comment a chance and look at some other mammals. I prefer, though, to look at mammals that are more similar to us, and those in the wild as opposed to a litter of puppies that have been unnaturally pulled from their mothers to give them away as soon as can be considered humanely possible.
Most primates wean their young when they start to get their first permanent molars, which is also around the time that their immune system fully matures. So, I remember from dental school that, for humans, we called the first permanent molars the "6 year molars". By that logic, humans would be breastfeeding until around 6 years of age. Maybe that's why "baby" teeth are referred to as "dientes de leche" or "milk teeth" here in Spain.
Supposedly a lot of animals wean their young when they reach around a third of their adult weight. In this case, boys would be breastfed a bit longer than girls, and the length of time could range anywhere between 4 and 7 years.
It doesn't really matter what they use to determine the "natural weaning age" by looking at other animals. At the very earliest, when we compare, it's past two and a half years. (Did you read that right, Ginger??!?!)
I tried out another t-shirt decorating method- fabric markers |
That leaves me constantly thinking forward to the future trying to decide when I will wean my happy little breastfed boy. Even Mauri teases me "Do you plan on breastfeeding him at his first communion? (typically around 6-8 years old here.) I really don't want to be "that mother" that is breastfeeding a six year old. I don't!!! (As I type that I'm envisioning the scene from Scrubs when the mother is breastfeeding a teenager in the doctor's imagination, and how I at one time thought that was funnier than I do now.) On the other hand, I don't want to quit before Eric is emotionally ready, and really see no other reason to rush weaning other than what other people might think.
Most of the time, supposedly, a young child will eventually wean himself when he is ready. What if my little Eric, though, is the exception? Should I be setting myself a goal weaning date as a point in which it is just "too old" to breastfeed anymore? (No need to answer that in my comments section if you are one of the usual, judgmental haters.)
I don't have an answer to that question. I just don't see it happening with Eric any time soon.
Most of the time, supposedly, a young child will eventually wean himself when he is ready. What if my little Eric, though, is the exception? Should I be setting myself a goal weaning date as a point in which it is just "too old" to breastfeed anymore? (No need to answer that in my comments section if you are one of the usual, judgmental haters.)
I don't have an answer to that question. I just don't see it happening with Eric any time soon.
One of the last common comments that really annoys me is that anybody that breastfeeds a toddler is doing it for herself, and not for the benefit of her child. So, I have to look to myself for why that comment bothers me so much.
In my case, I will admit that breastfeeding can be pleasant. It's nice to have a quiet time in which my normally non-stop, crazy boy actually wants to sit still in my arms for at least a few seconds. It's also nice to wake up and have him want to cuddle next to me and breastfeed for a little while first thing in the morning. I can't deny that I will miss those times when (and if) we ever quit. hahaha
First, I'm having a very difficult time trying to lose weight. About 5 weeks into eating clean and exercising almost daily, I have only lost around 5 lbs. I actually lost those 5 pounds about 3 weeks ago, and have been fluctuating up and down 2-3 pounds ever since. Most people think that breastfeeding is going to help them lose weight, and it is actually thought to help with losing the first pounds after giving birth. Even I lost a ton of weight almost instantly, and felt like my tummy was much flatter than I expected when I left the hospital.
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Eric inherited some of Noa's old toys this week |
So, a part of me would love to stop breastfeeding now, and see if I could finally take off my extra "baby weight." As much as I would love that, though, it isn't worth it enough to jeopardize weaning Eric before he is emotionally ready for it.
As for other incentives to stop, I have also been wanting to go in and get laser hair removal. I had done it in the past and loved it, but I have some new hairs coming back on my lower legs, and would like to try it on some other areas that I hadn't done. There is a place nearby that now does it relatively inexpensively, but they recommended I wait until I stop breastfeeding as it can supposedly change the taste of the milk, and could have some other unknown (albeit unlikely) side effects. I really would love to just go in tomorrow and start. I will, however, hold off for now- for Eric!!
So, as you can see, I also have reasons for wanting to quit. It would be nice to feel like I have my body back to myself. It's Eric that motivates me to keep with it, though, and not my psychological need to breastfeed. I really just want to be a good parent to my little boy.
There are other misconceptions that bother me, like the one that breastfed babies and toddlers tend to have a hard time becoming independent. Lately, though, studies have supposedly shown (I say that because I haven't personally read them) that actually quite the opposite is true. Breastfed babies, and those that have been given some sort of "attachment parenting," actually tend to be more self confident and have an easier time of becoming more independent more quickly.
Add to that the studies that show that breastfeeding may increase IQ, that it tends to help defend babies from the possible side effects of vaccines and other more natural attacks on the immune system, that it is analgesic so it's perfect for comforting and nourishing a teething or sick toddler, and the fact that prolonged breastfeeding lowers the mother's risk of getting breast cancer...; well, prolonged breastfeeding actually makes a lot of sense. That is, of course, if you can get over the weird looks and judgements from other people, or are actually discreet enough to be able to hide it.
I understand to a point that some people find it weird. Many of the women who admit to breastfeeding their toddler, also admit to being "weirded out" by women breastfeeding their toddlers before they had their own. Once you are in the situation itself, though, you realize how natural it is. You have your breastfeeding 18 month boy, and 2 years doesn't sound strange. Then you are breastfeeding until age 2, and 2 and a half doesn't seem that far away...
What it comes down to is that when somebody tells me that they had been breastfed until age 4 (and you know who you are), I don't really find it that weird. Instead of thinking that that mother is strange and has some pathological need to hang onto her child's babyhood or something, I actually secretly admire that person for having the guts to keep it up for as long as she did. Of course if you had asked me how long I thought I would be breatfeeding before I got pregnant, and I would have likely thought only until the recommended 2 years of age, and then I would initiate weaning. The thought of breastfeeding a 3 year old probably would have seemed dumb. That is really only because I hadn't even really considered it, though.
As I write this, I have found another woman who thinks like I do. Here's the 5 toddler breastfeeding myths that driver her insane. I guess we think a lot alike.
So, for how long will I be breastfeeding Eric? As you can probably guess, I haven't a clue. Time will only tell.
There are other misconceptions that bother me, like the one that breastfed babies and toddlers tend to have a hard time becoming independent. Lately, though, studies have supposedly shown (I say that because I haven't personally read them) that actually quite the opposite is true. Breastfed babies, and those that have been given some sort of "attachment parenting," actually tend to be more self confident and have an easier time of becoming more independent more quickly.
Add to that the studies that show that breastfeeding may increase IQ, that it tends to help defend babies from the possible side effects of vaccines and other more natural attacks on the immune system, that it is analgesic so it's perfect for comforting and nourishing a teething or sick toddler, and the fact that prolonged breastfeeding lowers the mother's risk of getting breast cancer...; well, prolonged breastfeeding actually makes a lot of sense. That is, of course, if you can get over the weird looks and judgements from other people, or are actually discreet enough to be able to hide it.
I understand to a point that some people find it weird. Many of the women who admit to breastfeeding their toddler, also admit to being "weirded out" by women breastfeeding their toddlers before they had their own. Once you are in the situation itself, though, you realize how natural it is. You have your breastfeeding 18 month boy, and 2 years doesn't sound strange. Then you are breastfeeding until age 2, and 2 and a half doesn't seem that far away...
What it comes down to is that when somebody tells me that they had been breastfed until age 4 (and you know who you are), I don't really find it that weird. Instead of thinking that that mother is strange and has some pathological need to hang onto her child's babyhood or something, I actually secretly admire that person for having the guts to keep it up for as long as she did. Of course if you had asked me how long I thought I would be breatfeeding before I got pregnant, and I would have likely thought only until the recommended 2 years of age, and then I would initiate weaning. The thought of breastfeeding a 3 year old probably would have seemed dumb. That is really only because I hadn't even really considered it, though.
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We also tried out the pool, but Eric is still a bit uneasy there...Next time I'll have to get pics. |
So, for how long will I be breastfeeding Eric? As you can probably guess, I haven't a clue. Time will only tell.
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