Stuck in the hospital still...

Well, I can't writw much right now.  I am still in the hospital, and, up until now, haven't really had access to the internet.  Toda...

Due date has come and gone...

Well, Tuesday was my due date, and despite not thinking I would ever make it there, I did. Last weekend we were saying how there was no way...

Due date tomorrow... still nothing new to tell.

I have to admit that I thought that I'd have met Eric by now.  After the hospital visit and days full of sronger, yet irregular contract...

My first hospital visit.... hmmmm

Well, first I'll say that I've been pretty tired lately.  So, I couldn't help falling asleep on the couch when we decided to rel...

39 Weeks, and my original due date has passed.

I'm finally in the "last week"of pregnancy, and I've reached the very last photo of my pregnancy ticker.  Of course, someh...

38 weeks...September has arrived!!

Tuesday, marked the 38 week point of my pregnancy.  It was also the last day of classes, now that my midwife is on vacation in September, an...

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